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Insights, opinions and suggestions on all things hospitality talent.

Hospitality Recruitment News 5th March

Dear Hospitality Heroes, 

In the whirlwind world of hospitality recruitment, staying ahead of the curve isn't just an advantage; it's a necessity. That's why we're here, bringing you the latest and greatest from the front lines of the hospitality realm. 

This week, our global footprint expanded, touching down from the vibrant streets of the UK to the dynamic hubs of the Middle East, marking milestones that not only spell success for us but for you, our amazing community. 

Charles Smith attendance at the IoH event at the Tate Modern stands as a testament to our relentless pursuit of knowledge and connection within the hospitality realm. The insights garnered from Hamish Anderson's exploration of Tate Enterprises were nothing short of inspiring, underscoring why we, as professionals, must continuously seek to expand our horizons. 

IoH Event

And speaking of expanding horizons, our recent infographic on working in Dubai's booming hospitality sector sparked an unprecedented level of engagement among you, our readers. 

The figures speak for themselves – Dubai's hospitality scene is not just thriving; it's revolutionizing expectations. If the alluring appeal of Dubai is beckoning, consider this your sign to leap forward. 

Our doors (and inboxes) are always open for a chat. 

Yet, even in the most fertile grounds, growth needs guidance. The labyrinth of Successful Hospitality Recruitment, fraught with the challenges of aligning the stars—HR teams, managers, department heads, and beyond—demands more than just effort; it demands strategy. 

Our latest article doesn't just talk about these trials; it offers up the blueprint to conquer them, ensuring that your next hire is not a shot in the dark but a beacon of your brand's excellence. 

Before we wrap up, take a moment to reflect on the week. 

What was your highlight? 

Don't miss out on next week's edition, where we promise to unpack even more. 

Your path to mastering Hospitality Recruitment starts here, starts now. 

Until next week, 

Stay Classy. 

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